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Adoption & Foster CareThe Second Bete Hosanna House: Our Dream Becomes a Reality

The Second Bete Hosanna House: Our Dream Becomes a Reality

By Melinda Sallé, Development Director

Addis Ababa skylineMy love for Ethiopia began in 2017 when I stepped off a plane into the bustling city of Addis Ababa. I had never been to Africa before, and I was fascinated with all the activity, the seemingly chaotic roads, the animals mixed with people walking down the streets, and the small shacks selling random items on the side of every road. I learned how to say thank you in Amharic and learned the proper greetings. I couldn’t explain it to you then, and I can’t explain it to you now, except I knew I would be back.

It pulls you in. Ethiopia.

Since 2017, the stories that God has woven are beautiful and complex. They are filled with faith and fear, trauma and healing, needs and provision, love and hope, and everything in between.

Bete Hosanna

Bete Hosanna was birthed in 2019 (you can watch that story in this video). It is a home that gives hope and healing to orphan teen girls.

Last week, after many prayers and hopes of opening a 2nd home, that dream became a reality. I had often spoken of it in conversations, cautiously and with many qualifiers, skeptical, and yes, a little fearful of how we would be able to commit to this.

My hesitancy was primarily because of the money — if you must have full transparency from me.

In AuguBete Hosanna Galast of 2023, we dared to ask the attendees at our Bete Hosanna Gala in Greenville, SC, to pray with us that we would be able to expand our program to a second home. My faith was weak, and I even had moments of regret, thinking we had raised hope about something that was so far off and unattainable.

In June of 2024, I took a trip to Ethiopia. It was beautiful, I came home encouraged in seeing many of our graduates thriving and being able to shower three of our expecting moms with a luxurious baby shower was incredible.  A week later, I got a call from a donor offering to do a matching grant for Bete Hosanna up to $25,000. I didn’t even have to ask; God just said, “Here you go.”

Bete Hosanna Matching Grant UpdateThen, many of you responded to the match, and we were able to bring in over that amount! Throughout the fall, God kept providing through many of you. At the end of the year, we received what we needed to feel comfortable and sure moving forward with this second home. The America World leadership was excited and supportive.

We found a second house within walking distance of the first one. It is beautiful and has beautiful spaces for us to use for various training and classes we do with the girls. Last week, government officials from the office in charge of Women and Children’s affairs in Ethiopia came to see it along with the director and social worker from the local girls’ orphanage where all of our girls lived prior to living at Bete Hosanna. They were very impressed and thankful for the work being done, and we were so encouraged by their visit.

Six new girls from the government orphanage moved into the new house on Monday, February 10, 2025, and we posted a video of their arrival on social media.

You Can Get Involved

This second home shows what a difference you make when you support this ministry! If you haven’t had a chance to get involved yet, visit Bete Hosanna’s giving page to make a one-time gift or become a monthly donor.

Also, experience the life transformation happening at Bete Hosanna for yourself. We have two upcoming mission trips to Ethiopia with openings. The dates are June 24-July 3, and November 1-10, 2025. Apply today, or email missions@awaa.org with any questions.


Bete Hosanna GirlsI will be sharing more details about the house and the girls in the coming days and weeks, but first, THANK YOU. Thank you to each of you who prayed and believed in this with us. THANK YOU to each of you who have helped to make this happen. THANK YOU to each of you who give monthly or give any time to Bete Hosanna. IT MATTERS.

Thank you from all the girls who have come through our doors and who will come through our doors.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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