Hey Sugar! Here’s something to sweeten your day. Flavored sugar recipes are popping up everywhere — sugars infused with flavors help elevate the taste of the recipes they are added to. And since flavored sugars are so simple to make, you could create sweet gifts for neighbors and friends (pun intended).
All it takes to make citrusy sugars is sugar and zest. There’s even a tag (free printable!) for you to tie on so this treat is as adorable as it is easy to make.
Let’s make something sweet!

– sugar
– citrus fruit – I used oranges, lemons & limes
– zester
– chopping blade or food processor
– jars – newly purchased or recycled
– printable tags
– string

Below is the basic recipe used to create these citrus sugars, however, zest amounts can be adjusted depending on the size of your produce.
2 cups of sugar + the zest of 1 orange = orange sugar
2 cups of sugar + the zest of 2 lemons = lemon sugar
2 cups of sugar + the zest of 2-3 limes = lime sugar
To begin, use a zester to peel off the zest or outer colored part of the citrus fruit. Collect in a bowl. Use a chopping blade to cut the zest pieces smaller and stir into sugar. Or, if you have access to a food processor, toss the zest and half of the sugar into the bowl and pulse a few times until the larger zest pieces are cut down. Add the rest of the sugar and pulse until combined.

Lay the zested sugar out on a baking sheet for a few hours until it has dried out.
Collect in a jar or other lidded container and tie on a tag one of the printable tags.

You could also add a recipe with the sugar gift.

Any hey. These make great gifts even after Valentine’s Day has come and gone. For the holidays, for a new neighbor, as a hostess gift or party favors — I’m sure you’ll think of a dozen ways to gift them.
Now it’s your turn. Have you ever used flavored sugars? Do you have a particular recipe where flavored sugars make a great addition? I hope you’ll share!