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Just for MomGiant Knit Mega Scarf ⋆ Design Mom

Giant Knit Mega Scarf ⋆ Design Mom

The obsession with giant knit blankets and poufs and pillows continues. And with good reason. There’s just something about those oversize stitches! The texture is pretty much irresistible — it demands to be touched and cozied up to. If you’re trying to communicate comfy, any oversize knit piece will do so immediately.

I’m always on the look out for giant knit projects when I’m on places like Pinterest. And when I saw the work of Anette, I begged her to share one of her tutorials on Design Mom. Happily, she said, “Yes!” So let’s whip up chunky knit scarves for everybody!

Click through to meet Annette and find instructions for this gorgeous chunky scarf.

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Hi, my name is Anette. I’m a German born and raised, award-winning jewelry designer who also loves wool and fibers and handwork of all kinds and have for as long as I can remember. It all started in my mother’s kitchen where little me used to crochet endless meters of chains. After spending many years on California’s beaches with my husband and our two children, we recently moved back to a city loft in northern Germany. My days are now spent with happy, busy hands — creating, styling and photographing for clients.

I created this scarf because I love the unusual, esthetic and artsy look of items created with super chunky yarn. It’s so much fun to work with and really inspiring to use to create very unique things.

Make a Chunky Knitted Mega Scarf | Design Mom

The scarf was knitted in a garter stitch from about 2kg (4.4lbs) felted Little Dandelion Merino yarn with over 1m (1.09 yards) long knitting tubes that have a diameter of 50mm (1.9″).

The finished scarf measures about 25cm (9.8″) wide and 2.70m (2.95 yards) in length. Aren’t those gigantic stitches beautiful?

The classic garter stitch looks so cool and modern because of the unusual dimensions. I think everyone must have a special scarf like this and, to make it with interesting materials and tools, makes it extra special.


A couple of my knitting tips for this project:

– I personally like it best sitting upright with enough free space around my arms while moving those mega knitting tubes.

– The left tube has contact with the floor and is leaning against my outer left leg. If the knitting is on that left tube, my hand holds it up close to the tip.

– The right arm and tube do the movement. I like to hold and balance that tube at about the beginning of the last third of the length not too close to the tip.

You will quickly figure out your very own way to handle the new dimensions. It’s so much fun!!

So let’s start this easy scarf.

To begin, do 4 chains with just your fingers. (New to knitting? Here’s a video of me showing the finger chain.)

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The next two pictures show the chain. Here’s the front.

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Here’s the back.

Note: I like to get my actual stitches from the back of the chain where you see that middle loop running, that way I will get a nice, clean bottom edge.

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Next, build the stitches out of that foundation chain. The first one is already the open one from the chain.

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Then build four (4) more to have five (5) stitches altogether on the tube.

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Knit in garter stitch until desired length or until all yarn is almost gone. Keep a little bit at the end for casting off the stitches.


Place a knot at the end and weave in all endings.


Wrap yourself up and enjoy!

If a scarf isn’t for you, you can knit a blanket or wall hanging in the same way by chaining more stitches in the beginning. A blanket or wall variation will require more yarn, too.


Thank you so much, Anette! What an awesome project. And those knitting tubes are fantastic! I’ve never seen any that big. Which reminds me, for those of you without giant knitting tubes (raising my hand!), I recently featured this book, which uses arms for knitting!

Also, you can find more of Anette on her Etsy shop. 

Happy making! If any of you try this oversize scarf, I hope you’ll send me a photo!

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