Some people believe the definition of marriage should be anything we want it to be. No exclusions. No boundaries.
The problem with that idea is the fabric of reality itself. Marriage was created to function within a particular design because it’s powerful – so powerful that we need guardrails to channel its influence.
To understand what I mean, consider the design of electrical cords on most of the lamps, TVs, and small appliances in your home. You’ll notice that one prong is wider than the other. That small difference makes sure you can only plug in the cord one way. Why? Safety, of course. Electricity is powerful and, therefore, dangerous. It can bring your entire household to life. But misuse it, and it can kill you. So, manufacturers design a boundary right into the plug itself.
Likewise, marriage is a powerful force. Our culture has risen according to our recognition of marriage as an important and sacred institution. It will decline for similarly negative reasons. But done well, marriage unites a man and a woman together as one and creates an environment where children grow up and flourish because of the positive influence of both a mother and a father.
Marriage ought to be protected and honored, both within our homes and within our culture. Our collective mission as a nation shouldn’t be to redefine marriage or minimize it until it is rendered meaningless. It should be to support healthy relationships and healthy families in every way possible.