As a birth mother considering adoption, one of the fears you
might have is “Will my
child resent me for choosing adoption?”
The truth is, many birth mothers have walked this path
before you, and their experiences show that choosing adoption can lead to a
brighter future for both you and your child.
If you’re ready to speak with a professional and take the
next steps toward a brighter future, contact us online
now. We’re ready to support you during this journey.
Through real-life testimonials, you’ll see how birth mothers
like Caitlin, Michelle and Bobbi found peace in their decision, knowing their
children are thriving with opportunities they wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Understanding the Fear: Will
My Child Resent Me For Choosing Adoption?
It’s natural to wonder how your child will feel about your
decision as they grow older. The fear of resentment can weigh heavily on your
heart, making you question whether you’re making the right choice.
However, adoption is a loving decision made with your
child’s best interests in mind. With the right support and open communication,
many birth mothers find peace and even joy in their choice, as do their
children. Below are three stories from real birth mothers who’ve been in your
Michelle’s Story: A Journey of Love and Understanding
Michelle’s story shows the power
of open adoption and the strong bonds it can create. She knew that
parenting would have been impossible at that point in her life and never regrets choosing adoption.
Even though she feared that her son Ryan might one day harbor negative feelings
towards her, through regular visits and open communication, they have built a
beautiful relationship.
“I have kept in touch with the family and they have kept
their promise to send pictures and letters with updates of all the activities
he is involved in. Over the years I have
been able to see all the wonderful things he has been able to do.” Michelle,
birth mother said.
“He plays basketball, baseball, soccer and even has tried
wrestling. He also had had the opportunity to go on a jet ski and go on the
boat at his parent’s lake house. He
has all these opportunities because of adoption.”
Bobbi’s Testimonial: Trusting Your Decision
Bobbi’s journey was filled with external pressures and
doubts, but she ultimately trusted her instincts and doesn’t regret choosing adoption
for her son. Despite facing criticism, Bobbi remained committed to her
decision, focusing on what was best for both her and her child.
“A lot of people didn’t agree with my decision, but it
was never up to them. I was working full time, going to school full-time, and
doing odd jobs with my son in the backseat of the car. Adoption was the best
decision for both of us because my son is thriving, and I got to finish
college!” Bobbi, birth mother said.
“I love seeing my son happy. He understands his story quite
well and has amazing parents and extended family. If you’re considering
adoption, don’t let others sway your decision. Do what’s best for you and your
Bobbi’s experience emphasizes the importance of making a
decision based on your circumstances and what you believe will lead to a
brighter future for your child.
Caitlin’s Story: Being a Cheerleader on the Sidelines
When Caitlin decided on adoption, she expected limited
contact with her son’s adoptive family. Instead, she had the option to choose
the level of communication she wanted to have with her baby before, during and
after the process. She found not only the perfect
adoptive family for her son but also a couple who became like family to
During her hospital stay, Caitlin was supported by Amanda
and Matt, the adoptive parents, who were there for the entire birth process.
Caitlin recalls how Amanda never left her side and even cut the umbilical cord
at Caitlin’s invitation. After the placement, while waiting for ICPC clearance,
Caitlin and her family bonded further with Amanda and Matt through family
“Knowing that I can be around and be there — I don’t even
know how to put it into words… I’m like a cheerleader on the sideline, and
that’s more than I could have asked for,” Caitlin says of her open adoption
“He gets this family who can take care of him and do
everything I couldn’t, but he can also know that I didn’t just give him away. I
had a purpose for him, and it was meant to be.”
Every adoption journey is unique, and it’s normal to have
concerns about how your child might feel in the future. Trust in your decision,
seek out support and know that your baby’s needs are at the heart of the choice
you’re making.
Choosing adoption is a decision made out of love, and while you
may be wondering “Will my
child resent me for choosing adoption?”, know that many birth mothers
have found peace and joy in their choice. By staying connected and open, you
can create a relationship with your child that’s built on love and understanding.
If you have questions or need to speak with an adoption
counselor, contact
us online now. You’re not alone in this journey.